Thursday, February 25, 2010

What are your expectations?

As you prepare for (and just begin) the week of solidarity, what do you expect to learn or experience? What fears or expectations do you have?


  1. I'll go first: I hate being hungry. I have a bit of a blood sugar thing, and when I get hungry, I get hungry. I get cold, cranky, can't focus... I really hate this week and I came up with the idea!

    But then I wonder what it would be like to always wonder where my next meal is coming from... what must that life be like to live? This week makes me thankful and grateful. And yes, makes me aware of my obligation to others.

  2. I'm having a mix of emotions as this week approaches. They range from excitement to total nervousness. I'm excited to see what God is going to teach me in these 5 days and how those lessons will carry on beyond this week and this experience. I'm excited to see how far He can push me and I how far I can go. I'm learning in my life to just do things that I know God is going to use. Not to over think, but just do. I'm nervous because, as a grad student, I don't have time to lack energy. I realize not just grad students need energy to get through the day. But when you're sitting in lecture from 8am-9pm...ugh!
    I expect God will use this week to show me that I am far more disciplined than I think I am. And that I need to lean on Him more, and less on things of this world. To participate in this week is a choice I am making, but I hope my eyes and heart are opened to the people I share this world with who don't have the choice.
    Grace and peace :)

  3. March 1 2010: The Stomach-a diary
    Its been tough on the men today to continue fighting on such measly rations. We get news from the outside none of it good. The Kidneys and liver swear they heard five days. Five days, on $2 a day, moral was already low due to weather and church coffee. We did what we could with the beans and rice provided but who are we kidding there is no way, all we can hope is to give Andrew a headache until he cracks.

  4. Wow Andrew, the delusions started in already, eh?


  5. I'm expecting to learn more of God's grace and unconditional love as I live with and experience my husband's week of solidarity.
